
A beautiful loch and fantastic location for filming swimming and foraging.  I spent a couple of days exploring this loch by swimming and looking at its waterside plants. Its waters are tinted dark by tannin making it a super mirror for the sky.  Tucked amongst trees and in the lee of the mountains it is also a little sheltered from winds. We wrapped up filming with a few foraged cocktails made with local gin.  It will appear as a little segment on lochs in a series on wildlife.

Wild swimming & wildlife

Swim outdoors and you’ll encounter wildlife.  Creatures and plants inhabiting the water are one of the most distinctive differences between swimming outdoors and swimming indoors. They can be a source of delight and sometimes a worry.   I write a column for Outdoor Swimmer on wildlife for swimmers, exploring what to look out for, where to look for it and how to enjoy it. Illustrations are created by Alice Goodridge, a swimmer who also draws. After a few years this column evolved into the Eco Pages